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主題 : 集郵話家常
級別: 郵務佐
UID: 6145
精華: 0
發帖: 707
升級點數: 327 點
金錢: 2865 金幣
線上時間: 550(時)
註冊時間: 2012-08-25
最後登錄: 2024-12-12
10樓  發表於: 2013-10-21 08:08

回 29樓(swift) 的帖子

BTW, 您認為半撇幣有可能是破版的撇幣嗎?
級別: 郵務佐
UID: 6145
精華: 0
發帖: 707
升級點數: 327 點
金錢: 2865 金幣
線上時間: 550(時)
註冊時間: 2012-08-25
最後登錄: 2024-12-12
11樓  發表於: 2013-10-21 09:32

回 31樓(swift) 的帖子

級別: 郵務佐
UID: 6145
精華: 0
發帖: 707
升級點數: 327 點
金錢: 2865 金幣
線上時間: 550(時)
註冊時間: 2012-08-25
最後登錄: 2024-12-12
12樓  發表於: 2013-10-21 21:22

回 33樓(swift) 的帖子

Thanks for sharing. I guess not many people have a few of this half-stroke variety to conduct a detailed study. The one that I have was purchased from Ebay at a very low cost. In fact, most my stamps were purchased online except few that I brought from Taiwan. Like you said, it is almost impossible to find this kind of treasure in Taiwan. However, with luck, once in a while Ebay offers some good stuff (most foreigners do not recognize flying geese varieties).
It is interesting to know there are normal #125s on wide-space one dollar stamps.
級別: 郵務佐
UID: 6145
精華: 0
發帖: 707
升級點數: 327 點
金錢: 2865 金幣
線上時間: 550(時)
註冊時間: 2012-08-25
最後登錄: 2024-12-12
13樓  發表於: 2013-10-22 09:18

Paul Chang (張愷升前輩) had done some detailed study on SC#1-9數字郵票 in one of his books. Earlier this year, I had the chance to purchase some covers from this American Taiwan stamp collector. In his Ebay listing, he attached a short story about himself………………….  

Most of you know by now that I love collecting and studying Chinese stamps and postal history.  This came about when I was stationed in Taiwan as a Chinese translator during the Vietnam War.  I brought this interest back home with me in 1965, and now almost 50 years later, I am still doing my best.  In 1984 I published a catalog for the China Stamp Society titled, "Seals and Labels of China" long out of print.  But I always studied the stamps to find varieties and unique specimens that were not listed in catalogs.  Then came Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and I lost my beloved collection.  If you are so inclined and have good scuba instruction/gear...you can dive in the Gulf of Mississippi just south of Pass Christian, Mississippi and look for it.  I had it packaged in three heavy-duty plastic bags sealed one inside the other with plastic tape.  I am sure nothing survives, but it was a treasure to be sure. I'm telling you this because I still love imparting specialized study of Chinese stamps to my friends.  If you have followed my ebay auctions for the last two years, I am sure you have seen items never before seen that would make your mouth water.  These two covers are just such items.  I hope you know that there were printing varieties of the Taiwan overprited Japanese stamps Scott # 1-9, after the end of WWII, and I found two here that may interest you.  The difference in the color BLUE is dramatic!  Enjoy!  完

I’m sure few Ebayers in Taiwan had read this article since some of his covers showed up at stamp dealers in Taipei later.
I’m surprised that An American could have such a deep interest in Early Taiwan stamps. No doubt he is an expert of the subject SC#1-9.
那三個塑膠袋現在不知在何處. 可惜一些保貴的資料就這樣消失了.
張愷升前輩在書中指出Sc#1 to 9都有顏色變異.可惜書是黑白的不容易看的出來.小弟在此將購自Ebay的兩封以及其它自己的一些收藏 SC#3- 拾錢, 讓一些沒有參考書籍的郵友參考.
[ 此帖被ming8686在2013-10-22 21:16重新編輯 ]
級別: 郵務佐
UID: 6145
精華: 0
發帖: 707
升級點數: 327 點
金錢: 2865 金幣
線上時間: 550(時)
註冊時間: 2012-08-25
最後登錄: 2024-12-12
14樓  發表於: 2013-10-22 21:33

回 39樓(swift) 的帖子

他目前居住在South Carolina. 他先前住Mississippi時大量郵品被颱風破壞. 最近他在Ebay已沒見到有中國郵品了.
級別: 郵務佐
UID: 6145
精華: 0
發帖: 707
升級點數: 327 點
金錢: 2865 金幣
線上時間: 550(時)
註冊時間: 2012-08-25
最後登錄: 2024-12-12
15樓  發表於: 2013-10-23 08:40

回 41樓(swift) 的帖子

WOW! That really makes my mouth water. Unfortunately that is out of my league. BTW. are there any  color-shade descriptions being used in Taiwan? When collecting foreign stamps, color descriptions always bother me. Here are some of the color charts that Stanley Gibbsons published long time ago.
  • 金錢:+1(stampinged) 謝謝貼圖
  • 級別: 郵務佐
    UID: 6145
    精華: 0
    發帖: 707
    升級點數: 327 點
    金錢: 2865 金幣
    線上時間: 550(時)
    註冊時間: 2012-08-25
    最後登錄: 2024-12-12
    16樓  發表於: 2013-10-23 08:41

    回 41樓(swift) 的帖子



    [ 此帖被ming8686在2013-10-23 08:47重新編輯 ]
    級別: 郵務佐
    UID: 6145
    精華: 0
    發帖: 707
    升級點數: 327 點
    金錢: 2865 金幣
    線上時間: 550(時)
    註冊時間: 2012-08-25
    最後登錄: 2024-12-12
    17樓  發表於: 2013-10-23 08:42

    回 41樓(swift) 的帖子

    Here are more recent stuff........
    [ 此帖被ming8686在2013-10-24 06:12重新編輯 ]
    級別: 郵務佐
    UID: 6145
    精華: 0
    發帖: 707
    升級點數: 327 點
    金錢: 2865 金幣
    線上時間: 550(時)
    註冊時間: 2012-08-25
    最後登錄: 2024-12-12
    18樓  發表於: 2013-10-23 08:56

    回 45樓(swift) 的帖子

    有的(抱歉若有廣告嫌疑請站大告知). 只是說真的,這些顏色還不夠.

    [ 此帖被ming8686在2013-10-23 09:05重新編輯 ]
    級別: 郵務佐
    UID: 6145
    精華: 0
    發帖: 707
    升級點數: 327 點
    金錢: 2865 金幣
    線上時間: 550(時)
    註冊時間: 2012-08-25
    最後登錄: 2024-12-12
    19樓  發表於: 2013-10-24 08:41

    回 47樓(嘎比) 的帖子

    一般Machin價格不貴,但不像美國1940年代後的近期票很多打折票.這是因集此系列的人很多.記得見過超過三千枚以上不同Machin票的郵集(當然包括shade的變異及一些perfin票).小弟手上的舊票(裡面有一些Machin) 都是整箱從網路買來的.這些郵票大部份是教會的教友們收集來籌資金的.五至十磅的郵票或斷片通常幾十美元即可購得,寄費有時比郵票貴. 後來老婆威脅要將地下室成箱的郵票拿來當柴燒才停止購買.那些票也只有等退休後再來整理.郵件自動化後這些東西也相對的減少了.在Ebay輸入"kiloware” 或 "stamp us lbs"還發現不少.

    張愷升前輩在書上提到有齒實寄十個例子.傳說是因為貼用不便某些郵局曾用縫紉機打孔出售. 跟據Mr. Bohannon的說法是  “Some enterprising postmaster took some of these sheets home and had his wife perforate the stamps (Perf. 12) with her sewing machine.  The perforated stamps were not authorized by the post office officals but evidently, as this cover shows, some got through the postal channels.”
    [ 此帖被ming8686在2013-10-24 08:53重新編輯 ]
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