¯Å§O: ¶l°È¦õ
UID: 6145
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 707
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 327 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2865 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 550(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2012-08-25
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2024-12-12
150¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-15 12:23

¬ü°êUAW (United Automobile Workers) ¼vÅT¤O¤§¤j®£«D±`¤H¥i·Q¹³.  ¬°¤F­n°t¦X¥´Ây©u¸`,  ¥L­Ì»P¤T¤j¨T¨®¤½¥qªº¥|¦~¦X¬ù¸Ì¦³¤@¶µ¬O±N°h¥î­x¤H¸`±q¬P´Á¤@²¾¨ì¬P´Á¤­................©Ò¥H©ú¤Ñ©ñ°².
Just found this cover in a box. The cover was franked with a SC#65 and was sent in 1866, which is one year after the civil war.  It has vertical imperforation on the left side.
¯Å§O: ¤ä§½ªø
UID: 40
ºëµØ: 4
µo©«: 752
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 1042 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2744 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 434(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2005-08-16
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2025-02-12
151¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-15 12:36

¤Þ¥Î²Ä150¼Óming8686¤_2013-11-15 12:23µoªíªº  :
¬ü°êUAW (United Automobile Workers) ¼vÅT¤O¤§¤j®£«D±`¤H¥i·Q¹³.  ¬°¤F­n°t¦X¥´Ây©u¸`,  ¥L­Ì»P¤T¤j¨T¨®¤½¥qªº¥|¦~¦X¬ù¸Ì¦³¤@¶µ¬O±N°h¥î­x¤H¸`±q¬P´Á¤@²¾¨ì¬P´Á¤­................©Ò¥H©ú¤Ñ©ñ°².
Just found this cover in a box. The cover was franked with a SC#65 and was sent in 1866, which is one year after the civil war.  It has vertical imperforation on the left side.

The stamp was probably mis-perforated instead of imperforated. It is hard to determin if the stamp was originally franked on this cover.
¯Å§O: ¶l°È¦õ
UID: 6145
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 707
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 327 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2865 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 550(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2012-08-25
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2024-12-12
152¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-15 12:58

¦^ 151¼Ó(swift) ªº©«¤l

Good point. I've thought about that too.  If it was mis-perforated, let's say the perforation  was somewhere on the further left which is outside of the stamp, what I don't understand is why the left side has a vertical straight cut (it almost looks like done by a machine)? Or someone must have used a pair of scissors to get that done. The cover was among a pile of very cheap covers I purchased a while ago and I'm not sure why someone would try to fake it without gaining anything, but that's not important since the cover doesn't mean much to me. It is the stamp itself that I'm interested in.

I checked the Scott catalog, it does say that there are vertical pair w/ horizontal imperf existing but does not say anything about vertical imperf. I guess your suggestion is probably right.
¯Å§O: ¤ä§½ªø
UID: 40
ºëµØ: 4
µo©«: 752
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 1042 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2744 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 434(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2005-08-16
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2025-02-12
153¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-15 13:27

Re:¦^ 151¼Ó(swift) ªº©«¤l

¤Þ¥Î²Ä152¼Óming8686¤_2013-11-15 12:58µoªíªº ¦^ 151¼Ó(swift) ªº©«¤l :
Good point. I've thought about that too.  If it was mis-perforated, let's say the perforation  was somewhere on the further left which is outside of the stamp, what I don't understand is why the left side has a vertical straight cut (it almost looks like done by a machine)? Or someone must have used a pair of scissors to get that done. The cover was among a pile of very cheap covers I purchased a while ago and I'm not sure why someone would try to fake it without gaining anything, but that's not important since the cover doesn't mean much to me. It is the stamp itself that I'm interested in.

I checked the Scott catalog, it does say that there are vertical pair w/ horizontal imperf existing but does not say anything about vertical imperf. I guess your suggestion is probably right.

Hi ming,

You missed an important thing. The stamp was not tied to the cover. The stamp might have been lifed, maipulated, and then put back. This is a good example why advanced collectors prefer seeing stamps are tied to a cover. I did not say that it must be an altered stamp. I meant to say that the possibility is very very high.

I have some experiences that dealers threw some altered "nice" items into a collection only to help sell the lot. Total price was still low. The lot may have a good chance to go fast.
¯Å§O: ¶l°È¦õ
UID: 6145
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 707
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 327 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2865 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 550(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2012-08-25
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2024-12-12
154¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-15 14:21

¦^ 153¼Ó(swift) ªº©«¤l

Hi Swift,

Thanks for the advice. I have the similar experience you have and I took some lessons on that. Now I don't get that excited when I see something rare. If it is too good to be true, it probably is. Your advice is very valuable to me.

When I purchased the lot, the seller did not even show any of the covers. It's just a box with all kinds of junks inside. If we just look at the stamp without the cover and let's assume that it's been altered, why one would alter it like this? That's my question. If it indeed is mis-perforated, one could have just torn the stamp at the perforation location and it would have retained some value. If it was imperforated, then some idiot must have done something to the stamp. These are the logics that I can't seem to be able to put together, not so much about "value".

So if we just discuss the stamp itself, we know the fact is there is no perforation on the left - that's all we know. Those cheaters would want to alter the stamp to increase the value not make it worthless. In this case, they made it worse if the stamp has been altered in my opinion. What do you think?

When I posted the picture, I was expecting someone would question the stamp and explain what happened to the stamp. I guess with only the picture here, there is not enough information to make a conclusion. All we know is a cover with a question mark.

I actually planned to remove the stamp and place it on my album (I've done that many times since covers take too much space) but now you make me not to do that.

I hope such discussion will provide some help to the viewers.
[ ¦¹©«³Qming8686¦b2013-11-15 14:43­«·s½s¿è ]
¯Å§O: ¤ä§½ªø
UID: 40
ºëµØ: 4
µo©«: 752
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 1042 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2744 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 434(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2005-08-16
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2025-02-12
155¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-15 20:22

Hi ming,

It is not easy to figure out why and how the left perforation did not appear as it should. Frankly, I would not want to know.  I am not able to analyze cheaters' minds, either. The cover is just not conveniencing enough for me to believe that the stamp was from an imperforated pair.

On the other hand, the stamp is still a nice "oddity" or "freak". You must know there is a group of collectors specialized in so called EFOs (Errors, Freaks and Oddities). In the area of EFO, errors are much more valuable than freaks or oddities.

By the way, as I have said before, we are not sure if the stamp was originally on the cover we see. It is very easy to remove a stamp and put it on a different envelop when the stamp was not tied to its original enveleop.

I do not think that I can give any more on this cover.
¯Å§O: ¶l°È¤h
UID: 697
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 737
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 236 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2816 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 26(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2005-03-21
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2021-12-21
156¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-15 21:50

¤Þ¥Î²Ä103¼Óming8686¤_2013-11-06 08:28µoªíªº :
¤§«e´£¨ìPNC (Plate Number Coil) ±aª©¸¹±²µ©¶l²¼. ³o¸Ì¶K¤W´X«ÊPNC5(5¾î³s)ªº­º¤é«Ê. ¹ê±H«Ê¤]¦³¤Ö¼Æ¤H¦¬¶°, ¥u¬O¤j³¡¥÷³£¬O°µ«Ê(contrived covers that are not reflective of real-world usage) ¦Ó«D¯u¥¿¦ÛµM«Ê(non-philatelic cover).


¯Å§O: ¶l°È¦õ
UID: 6145
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 707
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 327 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2865 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 550(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2012-08-25
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2024-12-12
157¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-15 23:17

¦^ 155¼Ó(swift) ªº©«¤l

Hi Swift,

Thanks for spending time analyzing this for me. As you know, this type of bullseye cancels are very common and hence are one of the popular ones that cheaters like since one can replace the stamp on any covers without a chop mark.

I do have some oddities. Like some collectors, I usually make a story next to the stamp regardless it is true or not. This one will go like this,

1. The stamp is likely a mis-perforated one to start with.
2. Someone tore the stamp inappropriately and made it unattractive.
3. Some cheater made a straight cut on the badly torn side and replaced the stamp on a used cover to make it attractive to buyer.
4. I'm the buyer!!!

Case closed.
¯Å§O: ¶l°È¦õ
UID: 6145
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 707
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 327 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2865 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 550(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2012-08-25
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2024-12-12
158¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-16 05:04

¦^ 156¼Ó(tmh) ªº©«¤l

1.    °O±o¦³¨C±²¦³¤À100, 500, 1000, 3000, 10000ªT¦³¨Ç500ªT¥H¤WªºÁÙ¦³­I¸¹(back number)¥Î¨Ó²MÂIÁٳѦ³­Y¤z²¼. ¦Ü©ó­I¸¹¨t²Î¨C®a¨pÀç¨ÑÀ³°Ó³£¤£¤Ó¤@¼Ë.«D¦ÛÂH¶l²¼ª½±µ¦L¦b­I½¦¤W.
2.    ³æ¦â²¼¤G¦ì¼Æª©¸¹³Ì°ª¬°22
3.    ­Y¬°¦h¦â´N¤£¤@©w. ¦p¼Æ¶qÃe¤jªºSC#2915A  1996¦~ª©°êºX²¼¦³¤­¦â, ª©¸¹¥i¦³99999, ¨C­Ó¼Æ¦r¥NªíÃC¦â¤Î¦Lµ©¸¹. ¦ý¤]¦³A88888. ³oA(B,C,¡K.)¥Nªí¦¹²¼¬O¨pÀç¨ÑÀ³°Ó¦Lªº¦Ó«D °êÀçBureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP).
4.    99999«á¬° 11111A, 22222A¨ÓÁקK¥Î¤G¦ì¼Æ¥Nªí³æ¤@ÃC¦â¤Î¦Lµ©¸¹.
5.    ¦¬¶°¥H¥þ®M¬°¥D¦p¬Y²¼¦³ª©¸¹1,2,3,4,5,6¨º³o6ªT´N¬O¤@®M
6.    PNCªº½s½X¨t²Î¥i°Ñ¦Ò¦¹ºô (·Q¨ìÄÁ¤õ²±«e½úªº¶lÀËÂW)
7.    ¨ä¥L½Ð°Ñ¦Ò¦¹ºô§}(excelÀÉ®×). Scottªº¸ê®Æ¤j³£¦b¸Ì­± ÂIPNC DATA¦AÂIPNC MASTER LIST - BY SCOTT & DENOM.¸Ì­±¦³Excel file¥i¤U¸ü.¦³³oÀÉ®×´N°÷¤@¯ë¦¬¶°¤F.
8.    ±²µ©Âà¤@°é¦L¤@¦¸ª©¸¹. ³Ì¤jµ©¬°¤@°é52ªT
9.    ¦³¶R¬ÛÃö®ÑÄy¦ý¤@®É§ä¤£¨ì
10. ¦­¦b1981¦~¥H«e´N¦³ª©¸¹,¥u¬O¦ì©óÃä½t,¦b¹Lµ{¤¤¤w³Qµô±¼..¦³¤Ö¶q½ì¨ý«~ÁÙ¥i¨£¥b­Ó¸¹½X¬Æ¦Ü¾ã­Ó¸¹½X(»~µô).¥u¬O¤â¤WµL³f,µLªkÁ|¨Ò.©Ò¥HÄY®æ¨Ó»¡,1981¦~¤~¦³¥¿¦¡µo¦æªº±aª©¸¹±²µ©²¼.

¶°¦ÛµM«Ê­Y¦b¤½¥q¦æ¸¹¤W¯Z,¯à§ä¨ìPNC5¤j¬ù¨C30«Ê¤­¾î³s·|¦³¤@«Ê.¶l¸ê·íµM­n¹ï¥Bª©¸¹­n¦b¤¤¶¡¨ºªT.¤@¯ë¦¬¶°¤H¤£³ßÅw¬Ý¨ì¦³1980¦~¤§«eªº¶l²¼²V¦b¸Ì­±(¦³§@«Ê¶ûºÃ). PNC3, PNCS (PNC1)¬Û¹ï¦¬¶°¸û©ö, ¦Ü©óPNC7¥H¤W´N­n¬Ý¹B®ð.
¤p§Ì¤w¦³¤@¬q®É¶¡¨S¸IPNC¤F¥D­n­ì¦]¬Oºô©ç¦ÛµM«Ê»ù®æ¤£«K©y(¥H¤p§Ìªº¼Ð·Ç). ©Î³\¦b¥xÆW¥i¾ßº|, ¦]¶°³o­Ó¦³ÂI§Nªù.

[ ¦¹©«³Qming8686¦b2013-11-16 10:08­«·s½s¿è ]
¯Å§O: ¶l°È¦õ
UID: 6145
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 707
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 327 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 2865 ª÷¹ô
¦b½u®É¶¡: 550(®É)
ª`¥U®É¶¡: 2012-08-25
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2024-12-12
159¼Ó  µoªí¤_: 2013-11-16 10:43