主題 : 匈牙利出的賈伯斯郵票
級別: 新手
UID: 5536
精華: 0
發帖: 47
升級點數: 22 點
金錢: 260 金幣
在線時間: 30(時)
注冊時間: 2011-08-01
最後登錄: 2013-01-17
樓主  發表于: 2012-01-08 15:31


管理提醒︰ 本帖被 站長 執行鎖定操作(2012-01-08)
In memorian Steve Jobs

The commemorative sheet will be available in a special holder for collectors of philatelic rarities and people who wish to preserve the memory of the visionary genius.  
The perforated design of the commemorative sheet features a portrait of Steve Jobs. On the right of the border design there is the inscription “In memoriam Steve Jobs 1955-2011” and at the bottom left the inscriptions “EML蟁K�V” and “Commemorative Sheet”. The numbering is printed vertically at the top right and Magyar Posta’s logo at the bottom right. The commemorative sheet can only be purchased as part of the commemorative card placed in a Hawid mount. The external and internal sides of the commemorative card are decorated by silhouettes of certain movements characteristic of Steve Jobs, while on the inside there is an extract from the writing of Ernő Rubik in Hungarian and English.
5,000 copies of the commemorative sheet and commemorative card, designed by Barnab脃s Baticz, were printed in the state printers 䁥llami Nyomda and the printing works Con-X. The perforated size of the portrait within the commemorative sheet is 40 x 31.5 mm and the external imperforated size is 90 x 70 mm. The commemorative sheet cannot be used to pay for postage.

來源 : posta.hu


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