¥DÃD : world¡¦s largest coin mint opened in the 1890s
¯Å§O: ¶l°È¤h
UID: 7
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 677
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 246 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 4402 ª÷¹ô
½u¤W®É¶¡: 370(®É)
µù¥U®É¶¡: 2005-09-11
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2024-10-10
¼Ó¥D  µoªí©ó: 2014-10-23 19:03

world¡¦s largest coin mint opened in the 1890s

Kwangtung Mint was the China¡¦s first coining facility to use modern technology. Its equipments were imported from the Heaton Mint in Birmingham, England, arriving in China in 1888.
When it opened, 90 minting machines operated at the same time. The U.S. Mint in Philadelphia was operating only six machines or fewer.

adapted from COIN WORLD
Published : 10/19/14
¯Å§O: ¤ä§½ªø
UID: 5919
ºëµØ: 0
µo©«: 13270
¤É¯ÅÂI¼Æ: 2868 ÂI
ª÷¿ú: 32923 ª÷¹ô
½u¤W®É¶¡: 2196(®É)
µù¥U®É¶¡: 2012-03-05
³Ì«áµn¿ý: 2019-08-11
1¼Ó  µoªí©ó: 2014-10-23 19:16

World¡¦s largest coin mint opened in the 1890s

¤Þ¥Î¼Ó¥D¥x¤¤¦ö¤_2014-10-23 19:03µoªíªº world¡¦s largest coin mint opened in the 1890s :
Kwangtung Mint was the China¡¦s first coining facility to use modern technology. Its equipments were imported from the Heaton Mint in Birmingham, England, arriving in China in 1888.
When it opened, 90 minting machines operated at the same time. The U.S. Mint in Philadelphia was operating only six machines or fewer.

adapted from COIN WORLD
Published : 10/19/14

Thankyou for your excellent information........
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