主題 : Belgium Post - Adjusted stamp tariffs from 2021
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Belgium Post - Adjusted stamp tariffs from 2021

Adjusted stamp tariffs from 2021

Customers most often pay the cheapest tariff for stamps
New stamp tariffs from 1 January 2021
On 1 January 2021 bpost will adjust its tariffs, with a distinction between
Prior and Non Prior for domestic mail sent within Belgium.

Non Prior stamp (delivery within 3 working days):
              €1.07 (for 10) | €1.10 (each)

Prior stamp (delivery next working day):
              €1.57 (for 10) | €1.60 (each)

The tariff for a standardised item to an address within Europe
will be €1.85 when at least five stamps are purchased and €1.91
when the stamps are purchased individually.

For items to an address outside Europe, the international tariff
will be €2.07 when purchasing five or more stamps and €2.13
when the stamps are purchased individually.

More than 80% of customers now opt for a Non Prior stamp for their mail.
95% of customers buy a stamp sheetlet at the cheapest tariff.

Customers can calculate the price themselves at www.bpost.be/tarieven.


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