主題 : Somaliland: Ministry of Posts Re-Launches Postal Services
級別: 郵務士
UID: 181
精華: 0
發帖: 578
升級點數: 129 點
金錢: 1687 金幣
線上時間: 102(時)
註冊時間: 2004-12-25
最後登錄: 2025-03-15
樓主  發表於: 2020-07-02 00:08

Somaliland: Ministry of Posts Re-Launches Postal Services

Somaliland: Ministry of Posts Re-Launches Postal Services
By admin -March 3, 2020

The ministry of Posts yesterday reintroduced its first Postal Services after hiatus of more than three decades.
Mr. Abdiweli Sufi Jibril had the cut the ribbon of the first of its kind postal service office at the ministry of posts premises .
The postal services fell into disuse during the 1988 war in Somalia.
The resumption of SL’s first postal service operation is spearheaded by the current administration headed up by incumbent president Musa Bihi Abdi.
The office is fully furnished and has postal home delivery vehicles.
The minister speaking during the launching ceremony had reiterated that staffers were available at the posts offices who are responsible of delivering more than 100 mails and parcels across the provinces in Somaliland.

級別: 討論區版主

UID: 164
精華: 7
發帖: 78162
升級點數: 33919 點
金錢: 318139 金幣
線上時間: 10566(時)
註冊時間: 2005-07-30
最後登錄: 2025-03-28
1樓  發表於: 2020-07-02 10:33

比較勁爆的消息, 南蘇丹首套郵票的歷史. 會在台灣上演?

Somaliland sits in a strategically important spot at the Horn of Africa
and various regional and international powers are jostling with each other
to establish themselves in the region. Turkey is keen to extend its power
in the area and has been courting the Somaliland government and one of
the results is that in January 2020 it added Somaliland to its list of ‘countries’ to
which it would send mail.

Another country with which Somaliland is forging links is the generally
unrecognised Taiwan which from time to time is in philatelic competition
with The People’s Republic Of China in finding countries which are prepared
to accept gifts of postage stamps which emphasise the ties between either
of the two Chinas and the recipient countries (several small Commonwealth
Caribbean and Pacific countries fall into that group).
Perhaps Somaliland’s first postage stamps may be a gift from Taiwan.
This is a recent Tweet from the Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs:-

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